On 9 July 2024, Europe’s new heavy launcher Ariane 6 made its maiden flight from the CNES spaceport in French Guiana. This event marked the achievement of development and fine-tuning of the launch system by ArianeGroup and its industrial partners.With more than 30 years of expertise in the space industry, GROUPE ADF has been a key player in this project since its start.

A Major Contribution to  Ariane 6 Programme

GROUPE ADF has been appointed for its comprehensive, global approach, capable of meeting the requirements of industrial innovation, maintenance and operations. With its modular and handling design, Ariane 6 is a versatile launcher capable of responding to a variety of space missions, including the launch of multiple satellites into different orbits in a single flight.

GROUPE ADF worked on the design and manufacture of the launcher’s horizontal assembly lines, as well as on the systems enabling the disconnection of Ariane 6’s Hydrogen and Liquid Oxygen interfaces at lift-off, a major technological breakthrough for the programme.

In the final moments before  Ariane 6 lift-off,  the cryogenic arms and MANG housings performed their functions perfectly, with the expected precision. Weighing up to 100 tonnes for the caissons, these mechanisms were the launcher’s last physical links with the Earth. At the time of lift-off, the components retracted with perfect synchronisation, disconnecting Ariane 6 from its Hydrogen and Liquid Oxygen filling lines.

This crucial role in filling and pressurising the tanks prior to lift-off was essential.

The success of the maiden flight marks the start of the commercialization phase for Ariane 6, during which GROUPE ADF will support ARIANEGROUP in a number of operations and maintenance activities.

Innovation and industrial efficiency

Thanks to its experience in building assembly lines for the aviation industry, including for AIRBUS, GROUPE ADF has proposed relevant solutions for the horizontal assembly of the launcher at Les Mureaux and Kourou sites. These solutions guarantee the integrity of the stages while reducing the environmental footprint of the infrastructure required.

GROUPE ADF also designed and tested the jettisonable cryogenic interfaces for the Ariane 6 launcher at Fos-sur-Mer, an innovation that increases the launcher’s availability for shorter launch sequences.

A sustainable commitment

In addition to its role in development and assembly, GROUPE ADF provides maintenance and operational support for the launcher’s mechanical systems in Kourou. This operational support starts as soon as ArianeGroup ship Canopée arrives and continues right through to the final stages of launch preparation.

GROUP ADF also maintains and operates the buildings needed to assemble the launcher and the composite, such as the ESR booster integration building, transferred directly to the launch zone by its teams.